Your 8bit party food table comes to life with these coordinating labels.
You get a total of 18 PDF files with 3 pre-filled food tents per file for a total of 54 labels!
Each label is 3×6 unfolded or 3×3 folded.
- Bread, Bread and Pumpkin
- Budder, Snowballs and Popcorn
- Cake, Water and dirt grass block
- Cheese, Dirt Block and Stone
- Chicken, torch and slime ball
- Creeper Marshmallows, ender pearls and ghast tears
- Carrot, Cookie and Coal
- Golden apples, Fish and Red Stone
- Hamburger, Hot Dog and Lava
- Lapis lazuli , Meat and milk
- Obsidian, Pie and Mushroom
- Pork, Iron, Melon
- Potato, Bookmark and creeper juice
- Sandwich, Club Sandwich and Magma Cream
- Silver, Creeper egg and Corn
- Strawberry, Banana and Pineapple
- Tnt, Emerald and Diamond
- Trap Door, Zombie Boogers and Pizza
- Watermelon, Sticks and Gold
- Diamond Sword, Red Apple, Salad
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